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A letter from the general manager's Office
Add time:2021-09-27    Click:682
A letter from the general manager's Office

1) Duan Yongping said to Huang Zheng, "you should have no ambition and do a good job at present". In fact, we should forget our dreams and do well in front of us. Accumulate small things into big things, that is, accumulate to be so deeply versed in a subject/major as to be able to make it with ease.
2) Don't indulge in dreams, don't indulge in external image, do solid work, truth is your best image, don't play, will n't be tired!

3) If you can be at the 2nd place, don't think about being a first place and a boss every day, because it's hard to be a first place and a boss! Instead, the 2nd place is easy to do.
4) If you can follow a good leader, you'd better follow him! Don't think much to take over him every day, because it's too difficult to be a boss! Not ordinary people can do it. It's easier to be a 2nd place . Just help the boss do a good job. If you make the boss succesful, you will successful at 2nd place, The third of follow is also successful .


1) 段永平对黄峥说:“要胸无大志,做好当前就好”。其实就是要忘掉梦想,做好眼前的事即可。积小事而成大事,即厚积薄发!
2) 不要沉迷于梦想,不要沉迷于对外形象,要实干,真实是你最好的形象,不用演,不累!

3) 如果能做老二,就不要天天想着做老一,做老大,因为做老一,做老大都不好做!反而老二很好做。
4) 如果能跟一个好领导,还是去跟一个好领导吧! 不要天天想做取代领导,因为做老一,做老大,太难了!  不是一般的人能做得到的。而做老二则比较简单,协助老大把工作做好就可以了,成就了老大,就成就了老二,老三顺便也成功了。